Positive Approach is a welcoming community of dogs and their people.

Positive Approach is a local small business that has been in the dog training and daycare business for over 20 years. We are the #1 vet-referred training center in the Tacoma area and pride ourselves on providing a safe, well-staffed daycare floor. We invite you to come down with your furry kid and see the Positive Approach difference.

Our Store

We’ve got top-quality food and treats, including fresh bones from a real-live local butcher. We have a huge selection of fun and safe interactive toys, plus shirts and hats that declare you a pet lover or just plain make you laugh! Oh, there is so much more that you will be amazed that it all fits in our store!

In terms of edibles, we only carry top tier grade dog food and treats. From Acana, Orjien, Taste of the Wild, and Precise to smoked and raw bones we have everything for your K-9 kids.

And have fun exploring the antiques setting in our store while you shop.

The store is closed for maintenance